Thoughts on Self Service in Engineering Teams
Striking the Fine Balance in Developer Experience
When it comes to crafting an exceptional developer experience (DX), the level of competence within the engineering organization plays a pivotal role. It’s a fine balance between providing autonomy and offering guidance, and getting it wrong can have significant repercussions on both productivity and team growth.
Autonomy in Highly Competent Teams
In organizations with highly competent engineers, autonomy is often the default mode. These developers thrive on figuring things out themselves. They prefer to debug, research, and problem-solve independently rather than rely on someone else to do it for them. This approach not only fosters a sense of ownership but also encourages innovation and deep learning.
In such environments, providing support when someone gets stuck is essential, but it’s critical to offer this support in a way that respects their autonomy. The key is to act as a guide rather than a crutch. When you step in to help, the goal should be to unblock them quickly and efficiently so they can continue on their own. Highly competent engineers won’t abuse this support because they value their independence and the opportunity to learn through doing.
Emphasizing Self-Service in Less Experienced Teams
The dynamics change significantly in teams with less experienced or less competent engineers. Here, the risk of dependency is much higher. Offering too much direct support can lead to a pattern of reliance where engineers default to seeking help instead of attempting to solve problems on their own. This not only stunts individual growth but also creates a bottleneck for teams tasked with providing that support.
In such cases, it becomes imperative to emphasize self-service. A well-designed self-service model empowers engineers to build the skills they need to navigate problems independently. This could include:
Comprehensive Documentation: Clear, up-to-date documentation that anticipates common pitfalls and provides step-by-step guides.
Tooling: Intuitive tools that automate repetitive tasks and reduce cognitive overhead.
Onboarding Programs: Structured onboarding processes that teach foundational concepts and set expectations around problem-solving.
Feedback Loops: Mechanisms to collect and act on feedback to continuously improve the self-service experience.
By fostering a culture of self-reliance, you encourage less experienced engineers to develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will make them more effective contributors in the long run.
Preventing Overhelping and Saying No Effectively
One of the challenges in maintaining the balance of DX is avoiding the trap of overhelping, which can unintentionally create a culture of reliance. Here are strategies to prevent yourself from offering too much help and ways to say no constructively:
Set Boundaries Early: Clearly define what types of support you will provide and when. For example, you can set the expectation that engineers should attempt to solve a problem for a certain amount of time before seeking help.
Ask Guiding Questions: Instead of solving the problem outright, ask questions that help the engineer think through the issue. For example, “What have you tried so far?” or “What does the error message suggest?”
Encourage Documentation Use: Redirect engineers to existing documentation or resources before stepping in. This reinforces the habit of consulting self-service tools first.
Limit the Time Spent on Help: Set a timer for support sessions or keep interactions focused. Communicate that the goal is to unblock, not solve the entire problem for them.
Practice Saying No Politely: You can decline direct assistance by offering alternative paths. For instance, “I think this is a great opportunity to dive into the documentation. If you’re still stuck after that, let’s discuss it further.”
Foster a Collaborative Culture: Encourage peer-to-peer learning and collaboration. Suggest that engineers consult with their teammates before escalating an issue to you.
By employing these strategies, you can empower your team to develop resilience and problem-solving skills without creating a dependency on your assistance.
Finding the Balance
Striking the right balance between autonomy and support isn’t easy. It requires a nuanced understanding of your team’s capabilities and a commitment to meeting them where they are. Here are some strategies to help navigate this balance:
Assess Team Competence: Regularly evaluate the skill levels of your engineers and adjust your DX approach accordingly.
Set Clear Expectations: Make it clear when and how developers should seek help versus when they should try to solve problems independently.
Invest in Scalable Solutions: Build tools and processes that scale with your team’s growth, reducing the need for one-on-one support.
Provide Targeted Support: For highly competent teams, focus on removing blockers. For less experienced teams, prioritize teaching moments that build long-term skills.
Monitor and Iterate: Continuously collect feedback and data on how your DX initiatives are working and refine them to better serve your team’s needs.
Developer experience isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a delicate balancing act that requires careful consideration of the unique makeup of your engineering organization. By understanding the varying needs of your team and tailoring your approach to meet those needs, you can create an environment where all engineers, regardless of their starting point, have the tools and support they need to succeed.