
It took a little bit of digging to find this one, so I’m posting it for future reference.

If you happen to be running CentOS 7 in headless mode on an AMD processor (can you say niche?) and have wanted to change the system font family or size, look no further than terminus-fonts-console. It’s a pretty neat little utility that does it all for you.

First install it with yum, then set the system font to whatever you like. The supported font types are listed on their package site.

In my case, I wanted a bigger font, so I used ter-d22b

yum install terminus-fonts-console
setfont ter-d22b.psf.gz
echo setfont ter-d22b.psf.gz >> /etc/rc.local

This may not apply to you, but in my case it did as I was using a fresh install of CentOS.

Make sure you set the executable bit.

chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local

And just like that your new system font is ready to go.